- Food Hygiene
- Health & Safety
- Fire Prevention & Emergency Provisions
- Risk Assessment
- Diet & Nutrition
- Improving Outcomes of People with Dementia
- Basic First Aid
- Assisting & Moving Individuals
- Infection Control
- Safety of People & Premises
- Administration of Medicines
- Safeguarding of Adults at Risk
- Death, Dying & Bereavement
- Bedrails
- Catheter Care
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Diabates
- Common Induction Standards
- Stroke Awareness
- Epilepsy
- Person Centred Approaches
- Record Keeping
- Malnutrition & Nutritional Care
- Challenging Behavior in People with Dementia
- Promoting Dignity & Compassion in Care
- Falls Prevention
- Falls Response
- Prevention of Pressure Ulcers